Download pruning apple trees for free
Download pruning apple trees for free

download pruning apple trees for free

Sharp tools will leave cleaner cuts and reduce the risk of infection. 1 illustrates several common types of branches and situations found on a mature apple tree, as well as some of the different pruning cuts. However, an excessively heavy fruit load risks breaking branches, moves the tree toward biennial bearing, and sacrifices needed vegetative growth.įig. Reproductive growth (fruit) is the ultimate goal of a fruit tree. Vegetative growth is necessary for developing a large leaf area to support the fruit as well as for developing new bearing wood. Pruning should seek to achieve a balance between vegetative and reproductive (fruitful) growth. The objectives of tree pruning are to: 1) remove any damaged or diseased growth, 2) maintain a new supply of limbs that are of optimal fruit-bearing age and placement, and 3) keep the tree shaped according to the form that was desired in the initial training. A better approach is to train a tree into a conical, or Christmas tree, shape where the top of the tree is narrow compared to the bottom of the tree. Traditional training approaches for apples in Utah create an umbrella shaped tree that produces copious numbers of upright shoots in the tops of trees that must be removed each year. Training begins when a tree is planted and continues throughout the life of the tree. The objectives of tree training are to: 1) develop a structure that will support the weight of the fruit, 2) create a balance between vegetative growth and fruit growth, and 3) prevent the top of the tree from shading the bottom of the tree. However, training and pruning cannot overcome poor genetics and improper matching of scion and rootstock. Careful attention to training and pruning in the early years of the tree will establish the correct form and make caring for it in maturity much more manageable. The rewards of proper training are a tree that is easy to harvest, has sustained high yields, and quality fruit. Training and pruning are critical parts of growing a productive apple tree.

Download pruning apple trees for free